Is gaming that bad? Daphne Bavelier – ученая, которая исследует работу мозга. Она проводит эксперименты, которые показывают воздействие видеоигр на когнитивные процессы: зрение, скорость реакции, мышление и способности к обучению. В своем выступлении спикер приводит шокирующие факты о влиянии игр на мышление человека
Очень неоднозначный TED, который 100% спровоцирует оживленные дискуссии на вашем уроке по теме Internet, gaming или addictions. Ниже найдете ход занятия + ключи к заданиям 🕹
Before watching
Read the 8 statements about gaming below and try to guess if they are facts or myths:
- Children under 13 play video games more often than teenagers or adults do
- Binge gaming can sometimes be good
- Too much screen time makes your eyesight worse
- Video games lead to greater distractibility
- Gamers are worse at resolving conflicts
- Gamers are better at multitasking
- Games might be used in education
- Games might help patients who have experienced some brain injuries
While watching
Watch the video and say whether the researcher says the 8 statements above are facts, myths or she doesn’t state this information
After watching
Fill in the sentences from the talk with the following words: abysmal, bombarded, deft, gut, leverage, pervasive, weight
- So video gaming is … throughout our society. It is clearly here to stay.
- We’re all … with major headlines in the media about whether video games are good or bad for you.
- Those people that identify as being high multimedia-taskers are absolutely … at multitasking although they have this sort of … feeling that they are doing really, really good.
- General wisdom carries no …. Despite a lot of screen time, action gamers have a lot of very good vision.
- Action video games have a number of ingredients that are actually really powerful for brain plasticity, learning, attention, vision, etc., and scientists are working on understanding what are those active ingredients so that they can … them to deliver better games, either for education or for rehabilitation of patients.
- There is an entertainment software industry which is extremely … at coming up with appealing products that people can’t resist. The issue is that scientists need to put entertainment and benefit together.
*это упражнение писала для группы Advanced, поэтому слова в нем соответствуют высокому уровню. Вы можете выбрать из транскрипта (он доступен по ссылке на видео выше) слова попроще
- Which of the facts Daphne mentioned in her talk were: new? surprising? you already new this information?
- Has this talk changed your attitude to gaming? How?
- Do you think playing video games can help you learn English? Why / Why not?
Как вам видео и упражнения к нему?
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