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Бесплатный урок для B1+

Рождественский урок, на котором обсуждаем Christmas dishes со всего света по видео Anglophenia. Отлично зайдёт ученикам от B1+


Today we’re going to take a look at several traditional Christmas dishes from around the world. We will discuss what people from these countries have for Christmas lunch.

Can you name the countries these flags belong to? (show students the pictures of flags)

Do you know what people from these countries eat on Christams Eve?


Now I’m going to show you pictures of dishes people from these countries have on Christmas Day. Can you guess which country they belong to? (show students pictures 1-20)

While watching

Watch and say:
1) what countries do these dishes come from?
2) what is the name of each dish?

*If you have a group of students, you can make it a jigsaw watching activity where they watch different parts of the video and share what they’ve seen in breakout rooms after that

After watching

How do the dishes reflect the culture and traditions of the country?
Which of the dishes looks yummy?
Which would you never eat? Why?
What makes your ideal NY dinner?

PS По теме “Christmas” еще есть 

2 комментария для “Бесплатный урок для B1+”

  1. Евгения Александровна Лесто

    Ирина, спасибо большое! Всегда очень интересно и приятно, общаться с современными коллегами, которые не стоят на месте, а идут к новому, учат детей и учителей!

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